Required Forms

What form do you need?

Depending on the product or service you require from Alexy Metals, you may need to fill out the below forms. If you are not sure which form to fill out please contact us and we will be happy to advise you as to which form we may need. 

  • When you have scrap ready for processing, contact Alexy Metals via E-mail or calling with specific information about your materials.
  • Alexy Metals will advise how to ship material via UPS, FedEx, or freight (free shipping on all inbound materials).
  • Once received, Alexy Metals will offer an “Estimate” based on what we believe the value is based on our evaluation using non-destructive testing.
  • The “Estimate” is a guaranteed value and is the minimum amount you will receive (except adjustment in Precious Metal values at time of settlement).
  • Once confirmed and authorized, Alexy Metals will process your materials within 2 weeks unless a longer lead-time was discussed.
  • After 2 weeks, a final settlement will be issued and payment will be made.
  • You can also receive settlement in Bullion or can be converted into a “pool” account and used for future material purchases.
  • The U.S. Patriot Act is designed to detect and deter terrorists in the U.S. and abroad. As a processor refiner, and retailer of precious metals, Alexy Metals adheres to the formal anti-money-laudering requirements of the U.S. Patriot Act.
  • Those regulations require that we accumulate and maintain certain information on all companies or individuals with which we do business. We require companies to print and mail/fax this compliance form to our office prior to any business transaction.